Treat Yourself Like the King (or Queen) You Are!

There are certain dates on the calendar that, even as an adult, you anticipate with great excitement!  For the PHAG team, today is one such day- June 18th is National Splurge Day!  Really, are we actually pretending we need an excuse to splurge around here?. . LOL Invented by eventologist Adrienne Sioux in 1994, National

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This C.O. is Our New Stud!

June is PRIDE month, and this time each year, we take note of the people, places, products, and practices that have instilled a sense of pridein the greater community!  This year, we need look no further than Orange is the New Black #OITNB.  Yes, that’s right, the much talked about Netflixoriginal series set in a

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