Concrete Camera Vase- Lg Cement Camera Pot
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Concrete Camera Vase- Lg Cement Camera Pot

This striking objet d’art introduces a little irony by making the camera the subject of inevitable compliments and photos!  Use it as a subtle boast that photography is one of your many talents or give it as a gift to the struggling artist in your life.  Pick it up and pantomime snapping pictures to get pity laughs at get-togethers or exaggerated groans from your children.  Just like real photography, the only limit is your imagination!  Beyond its many uses as a prop, the concrete camera vase really puts your plants in focus.  It’s large enough to support a small arrangement, tall enough to complement a trailing plant, and heavy enough that there’s no worry about being knocked over.  The brainchild of Italian visionary hyperrealism artist, MArcantonio RAimondi MAlerba, this cement camera fits well in both indoor and outdoor settings.  Packaged in a beautifully designed wood crate.  Smaller, alternate design also available.  Approximately 6” x 4″ x 9” high.  Sold individually.

SKU: concrete-camera-vase-lg. Categories: , , , .