Garden Gnome Felt Birdhouse


Garden Gnome Felt Birdhouse


Garden Gnome felt birdhouse.

A 100% fair trade product.

Made of wool, hemp, and bamboo.

Approximately 11 inches.

SKU: gnome-felt-birdhouse. Categories: , .

If you think this adorably enchanted birdhouse is cute, just wait ’til you get to Gno’em!  Like fairies, gnomes are among the magical wee folk that have long been fixtures in fables, myths, and ancient folklore.  These usually jovial (but admittedly mischievous) characters are commonly known as guardians of treasures, so let this felt birdhouse gnome guard the nest of your favorite small birds.  The perfect accent to any enchanted garden or cozy castle- this bold abode knows no clone.

Our collection of felt birdhouses are made of 100% naturally water repellent wool, so they rarely get wet inside.  Surface moisture from dew, rain, or snow quickly dries in open air.  The body will keep its shape in even the hardest weather.  Because wool is also naturally dirt and mold resistant, maintenance and cleaning is simple.  Designed with a 1.25″ hole, perfectly sized for small birds such as Wrens, Chickadees, and Nuthatches.  If you want to attract larger birds like Bluebirds and Tree Swallows, simply enlarge the hole slightly.  Some birds may choose to pull the wool to use in making their nests which will shorten the life of the house, but this  quality birdhouse will last a lifetime in a protected place like a porch, or indoors, where you’re free to enjoy its highly decorative qualities year-round.  Generally, a good brushing is all that’s needed to maintain the birdhouse, but if spot cleaning is needed, simply work the area with mild soapy water, rinse, and air-dry.  Never clean the birdhouse using a washing machine or dryer.

Made entirely of sustainably harvested materials including wool, hemp for the hanging cord, and bamboo for the house perch, each felt birdhouse is hand-crafted by skilled artisans working in a fair trade cooperative in Kathmandu, Nepal.  Approximately 11 inches.  Sold individually.