Homecoming queen, Laura Palmer, is the character at the center of an FBI murder investigation in the fictional town of Twin Peaks, Washington in the 90’s cult classic television drama, Twin Peaks, on ABC. The narrative is part classic crime drama and part American soap opera, with supernatural elements and a healthy dose of campy horror, topped off with some offbeat humor. The series made a return to television with a limited series on Showtime in 2017 called: Twin Peaks: The Return. Here, Laura Palmer appears as she is most often remembered in the series, wrapped in plastic. Now you can relive some of your favorite moments from the show with this Twin Peaks Laura Palmer POP vinyl collectible figure. The perfect gift for fans of the show and POP vinyl collectors alike. Approximately 4” tall. Featuring the signature POP vinyl rotating, oversized head. Sold individually.
Note: Availability of this item is limited to the inventory on-hand. This item has been vaulted and is no longer in production.