We were the proud recipient of the 2004 Best of Philly award for, “Best Gay-themed Boutique,” but our extended PHamily goes far beyond the “gay community” and our merchandise appeals to people from all walks of life! You got it, being gay is not a requirement to be a PHAG lover- or even a VIP (Very Important PHAG).
Being part of the PHAG PHamily means demonstrating a commitment to the local community, our virtual community, and the “human” community at large. You may have read elsewhere that the idea for the PHAG name stems from a little-known definition meaning, “an individual who proudly thrives to thwart oppression and negative stereotypes.” At PHAG, a part of our purpose is to extend our positive interpretation of this term beyond the confines of our business, into the lives and homes of our extended PHamily.
Comedian George Burns famously said, “Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.” We’re part of an active online PHamily that includes our PHAG blog, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter, so be sure to connect with us and be part of our PHamily wherever you are!
And speaking of PHamily, without further ado (but with plenty of PHanfare), meet some members of the PHAG leadership team that help carry out PHAGs brand promise every day:

Jason Crook, PHounder
“The Curator of Cool “
A member of the PHAG PHamily since 2003!
A wise straight man once said, “An accessory is merely a piece of iconography used to express individual identity.” Okay, it wasn’t a real man, it was a character in The Devil Wears Prada, but he was on to something (and yes, he was portraying a straight man). My take: If we think of our home accessories as iconography, then our goal should be to create a home that’s truly iconic! Authors and screenwriters create worlds using words on a page. I create worlds by selecting objects that become the backdrop of the homes and lives of our customers. Like the items I curate for PHAG, pretty much everything in my home has a “story” behind it. I live my life with the things I love.
With a background in advertising and corporate branding, as PHAG PHounder, I set out to build a brand outside the boundaries of existing home furnishings and décor retailers, and as a founding member of the advisory board of the Sustainable Business Network of Philadelphia, it was important that this new brand be committed to triple bottom line success! As a university professor for 17 years, I’m committed to empowering a new generation of entrepreneurs and business leaders with skills in strategy and innovation- a core part of the curriculum I have worked to develop (and deliver) in the Kanbar College of Design, Engineering and Commerce at Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University).

Sheryl Freas, Operations Manager
“The Simplifier”
A member of the PHAG PHamily since 2005!
I am the Heroine of Halloween, the Duchess of De-cluttering, and the Queen of Stream-lined Operations. I’ve never met a stranger, I love structure and process, and I am naturally curious. My best friends are tracking systems, tedious tasks, and Tay Tay Swift. My sworn enemies are chaos, clutter, and cat haters. I live a blissful life at home with Boo, Spooky, Jack, Priscilla, Rum, Petrone, and Joe (you guess which one has two legs). How does PHAG fit in my life? Well, let’s see… it’s my sofa, my dining table, my entertainment center, my buffet, my favorite orange accent chair, my most prized photo frames, my delightful dinnerware, should I go on? Yep, yep- all PHAG. I successfully manage everything from international imports to our warehouse staff, but the one thing I can’t seem to get under control is my home décor budget! Thanks, PHAG. Xoxoxo

Machele Kortum, Digital Content Manager
“The Hustler”
Joined the PHAG PHamily in 2014!
I am a wife, mom, stylist, and devoted employee of PHAG. I LOVE social media, taking selfies, and, yes, I post every move my family makes! I’m non-stop all day, every day. If I’m not making 16 different meals for my kids, I’m working on PHAG content, making people pretty, and constantly straightening up my house. I’ve always had a simple, well-kept home, but working at PHAG has truly inspired me. I’m proud to report that I’m no longer afraid to mix patterns and colors, and I can’t get enough art on my walls! At this point, it’s getting a little dangerous because I’m always on the look-out for what I’m going to buy next…”Will work for home décor.”