Treat Yourself Like the King (or Queen) You Are!

There are certain dates on the calendar that, even as an adult, you anticipate with great excitement!  For the PHAG team, today is one such day- June 18th is National Splurge Day!  Really, are we actually pretending we need an excuse to splurge around here?. . LOL

Invented by eventologist Adrienne Sioux in 1994, National Splurge Day is a day to treat yourself excessively to anything you want, and, to excess if you so desire.  In other words, behave like the Queen (yes we’re talking to you) you know you were born to be!  Have an XL serving of your favorite dessert, indulge in a special bath or spa treatment, get extra happy today at happy hour (yes, we know you’re the real Queen of cocktails), heck buy yourself a throne!  Whatever your splurge, today’s the day, so put your reservations aside, throw caution to the wind, and just splurge. . . for tomorrow will certainly come!See more like this HERE!