A Halloween Home Resolution: Don’t Be Afraid to Mix Styles!

We know, we know- Halloween can be a very scary time, so we thought it would be a good idea to finish October with a Home Resolution to address one of your deepest, darkest fears… mixing decor styles!  If you believe that everything in your home should match, we’re here to tell you that you’re dead wrong.  “I love that, but it won’t go with my current style,” is nothing more than a demon in your own mind that must be stopped.  Don’t be afraid to mix styles!

The most striking and interesting spaces are those that mix styles, in fact, most mix MANY different styles.  Layering different styles in the same space is high-impact.  It creates interest, and ultimately helps to tell the story of everyone who lives there.  Be inclusive.  Avoid alienating one or more people residing in the space by leaving them feeling as though they’re simply living in someone else’s home.  The secret is not just to mix, but to blend.  Group items in a way that makes sense… sense to the eye, and sense to the senses!

thePHAGshop_Don't Be Afraid to Mix Styles- Groupings

Well grouped items become collections, and collections generally do not leave someone questioning why (or how) something ended up in a particular space.  By understanding that it isn’t about matching styles, but rather, coordinating objects, it becomes much easier to see that things can “go together” in a LOT of different ways.

Being inclusive isn’t just about including the various styles of everyone living in a space, it’s also about making sure each piece in your layered plan has at least one companion.  You don’t want to alienate a single piece of furniture or any one decorative object.  Give each item in the space a “friend.”  Even things that are different share something in common.  Do they share color, style, texture, theme?  Whatever the commonality you see- use that to ensure they blend, to guarantee they get along in your carefully curated home.

Mixing styles is dynamic, interesting, dramatic, and even adventurous- but it’s never, ever scary!  Don’t be haunted by a home filled with one-dimensional style.  Go forth and blend…